This past Friday, we were visited by guest artist Marlon Barrios Solano of who taught a class on augmented reality and how it can be applied to dance, giving us an opportunity to look at something within the intersection of dance and technology besides screen dance. After a group discussion, some improvisation exercises, and watching a few examples of dance-related AR (found here, here, and here), we got to create our own little AR project, which can be seen by scanning the image below with a smart phone or tablet using's AR app.
More detailed instructions for viewing our "project" can be found after the jump:
First, download's augmented reality app on an iOS or Android device. The app is free, and, at least in Apple's app store, looks like this:
Next, open the app and "scan" the above picture of us from our trip to NYC. To do this, simply hold your phone so that the photo is visible on your screen like so:
You may need to move your phone around a bit and/or wait a few seconds for everything to come into focus in order for the trigger picture to be scanned, but once it's happened, you should see a loading graphic:
Once it has finished loading, you will be able to see a short video taken during our class with Marlon in place of the picture!
This video remains on top of the picture even when you move your phone:
If you double tap the video, it will switch to full screen and you can continue watching it even if your phone is no longer aimed at the photo:
(Alternatively, you can always watch the video here if you either don't have a smart phone/tablet or are unable to make the app work, but it's way more fun and exciting to watch it through the app.)
Marlon's class was a great way to learn about a new (or at least new to us) realm of dance technology, and we're definitely looking forward to finding ways to implement AR into our future work within the course, whether through using it to help promote our upcoming screening or as projects in and of themselves.
- Cassie
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